Coastal Preparedness Supply LLC is not responsible for your use or misuse of any products you purchase from us nor are we responsible for the consequences thereof. By placing your order with us, you acknowledge that you use all items you purchase from us at your own risk and that Coastal Preparedness Supply LLC shall be held harmless in all matters following from your use of products purchased on our site.
Moreover, regarding any medical supplies, PPE (personal protective equipment) or dietary/nutritional supplements that we offer now or at any time in the future, we make no claims whatsoever that any of our products are intended to prevent, treat, or cure any disease, illness, or medical condition; nor do we advertise them as such. Use such products only as directed, consult your doctor, and do your own research.
Be advised that no matter how well prepared you are, nothing can protect you from yourself and nothing is 100%. As always: Be prepared and stay alive.